Darby is amazing. We all know that.
Frankie took the Darbinator to the park last Saturday and she started kicking around a soccer ball with a little girl she met a few minutes earlier. Then, the little girl’s dad came over and started kicking the ball with Darby. He turned to Frank and said, “She is amazing.” Frank said that we are pretty impressed with her and the man said, “No; she is awesome.” He went on to tell Frankie that he is the coach of a little girls’ soccer team and that they need Darby and asked Frank to please sign her up. He wrote down his name and number, the team name, where to go to sign up, etc.
How cool is that? My three year old got recruited at the park!
And he was right. We signed her up and I took her to her first practice on Thursday. This girl is amazing! She’s never touched a soccer ball in her life, but she stole the friggin’ show. I kept hearing the coach say, “good kick Darby!” and I could tell that he was really pleased with her. She was awesome. So, we took her to the store to get a soccer ball. There were pink ones and blue ones and all sorts of pretty colors for her to pick from. She chose the classic black and white ball. That’s right, all business for Darby the Destroyer! I’m so proud of my little girl.
You want to know what is the cutest thing in the history of ever? Darby in shin-guards and cleats. So, I’m starting out my days as a soccer mom a little early and I’m looking quite forward to living vicariously through my super-star daughter.