Thursday, November 19, 2009

sorry saps

yeah, i've seen New Moon, suckers! and i haven't even read the books. blasphemous, right?


  1. You realize that you've put a price on your own head by making such a comment as that?
    There are some very dedicated/obsessed fans out there and I don't think I can protect you from them all.

  2. I've done neither. What does that make me?

  3. Hillary, I will liken the movie "New Moon" to a man who built his house in a trailor park.....Many people asked him this one and noble question....."Why?"


  4. I then reminded myself that I am from such a place as I cannot even spell the work "trailer". No offense to all those who really are from trailer parks. It's kinda like saying Mormons love green a very derogative way. I'm sorry.

  5. Yeah, I can't even spell "word".

  6. I too resisted the madness, Hill, but then I realized that it is so much more fun to jump off the perverbial cliff with the rest of the crazed Twilight lemurs than to fight the surge any longer! The books are delicious! You will not be disappointed. Jacob Black is also delicious, served with a side of Edward Cullen.

  7. I have to say that I have read all of the books and I loved them but I will wait for the movie so I dont have to deal with the crowds.


tell me what you're screaming